I wasn't sure about a single bit of this gig. Hell, I didn't even get remotely excited for it until a couple of hours before. Truth being that until their most recent album VAMPIRE SAGA in January I simply had no interest in them, I was simply going along to keep a friend company. I knew a couple of songs outside the album, I had read a couple of interviews and comments with the band, tentatively watched a few PVs, but that was the extent of my gig preparation. Sometimes, having no expectations is good: that way, when something is bad, you're not super-disappointed; however, when something is good, you can be totally blown away.
And D, live, are good.
I don't have a definite setlist so here, have the PV for Der König der Dunkelheit. This was the look sported by the band onstage during the gig.
Being part of visual kei I will say that the band retained their character onstage, none so much as vocalist Asagi. It has to be said, the man knows how to work a cape! He effortlessly made eye contact with every single person in that venue, and was a somehow a very talented leader of his audience, teaching us all furi (with either special D flags or with - in his words - our "beautiful hands") and leading everyone in slow headbanging in heavier songs. He is indeed very charismatic. The whole band are in fact!
With all of their visual mystique I never expected the band to be so upfront and enthusiastic, and being only two rows in front of guitarist Ruiza it was impossible to miss how he spent the entire show grinning manically, occassionally dipping his head forward and allowing people to ruffle his hair before stepping back again and laughing (and, at one point, falling flat on his ass).
But more striking than the band's character and enthusiasm was their talent, which they had by the bucketload. Guitar solos were more than liberally scattered throughout the show and all were played spot-on, and often cranked up bass meant that we could appreciate Tsunehito's surprisingly elaborate basslines too. Meanwhile, the instrumental 太古の牙 (taiko no kiba) gave drummer Hiroki a chance to shine (and shine he did! Never again will I overlook that man!). Real props however do go to Asagi on vocals, as he truly was absolutely flawless.
During a signing session afterwards the gentlmen were a lot of fun too, and they really succeeded in making an impact on everyone. Overall I'd say that their music is still not quite my thing, but what they do they do it damn well. I didn't mean to enjoy this show half as much as I did, and if they come back I'm definitely off to see them again!

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