"He thought he was losing his mind when the moss and the flowers started growing in his footsteps."

Thanks to www.chevronone.com for all screencaps
Now I doubt that Heroes reviews will be as regular as Lost reviews, nor as extensive, but I couldn't let this episode slip under the radar. For a note I would like to add that I gave up after the second series of Heroes, and didn't pay any attention at all to the third. I agreed for a friend to watch the new series, and I can do nothing but recommend it, even if you gave up just like I did. Excuse me just breezing through key points here. In this episode we have continuation of Hiro's arc, and despite Hiro and Ando often providing the comic relief I am more than certain that this storyline will eventually break my heart. However:

I am SURE that we need a Heroes/X-Men crossover comic. Heroes 412 also brings us the next part of Samuel's ongoing mission, as Sullivan Junior tracks down his next "person of ability".

A major point to understand: we know of my love for Richard Alpert, right? Now that love is very almost equalled by my love of Samuel, so much so that I am actually willing to throw all logic to the wind. He's meant to be a bad guy, isn't he? He's going to try to kill people, or blow stuff up, or destroy a city, isn't he? Well this humble blogger is consciously choosing to believe every manipulative word that comes from that silver-tongued carni's mouth. Every word he speaks is magical, and I hate to say it but up until recently I have been so struck by Samuel that I completely forgot about Sylar. THERE, I SAID IT. And besides:
Carnival compass:

Island compass:

Not that I would ever use that to write crossovers featuring Jacob, Richard, Esau and Samuel. What? Stop looking at me like that.

Every bit of this scene (Emma's siren-song in Central Park) was downright beautiful. From Samuel's words ("Make your prayers into song") to Ian Michael's anxious approach right down to the colouring of the whole thing, absolutely fantastic. All apart from this:

Because I really have had enough of the tedious magic cello thing now. Great concept, but I'm fed up of the glowy-glowy.
And finally, we joined the Mister Bennet, Claire, Peter and Mama!trelli to Nathan's funeral, which I admit was a lot more touching than I thought it would be. I think I am actually growing out of my disdain for the Petrellis now.

Clone-clone-cloney man stalking Claire (YAWN): -50
Emma getting refused her place: -10 (sad times)
Samuel visiting to make everything better: +30
Ando finally catching on to Hiro's clues: +50
The Central Park Scene: +1,000
Claire losing faith in the carnival/Samuel...: -100
... and gaining it again in the valley: +400
Every damn thing that Samuel says in the entire episode: +1,200
TOTAL: 2,520
Clone-clone-cloney man stalking Claire (YAWN): -50
Emma getting refused her place: -10 (sad times)
Samuel visiting to make everything better: +30
Ando finally catching on to Hiro's clues: +50
The Central Park Scene: +1,000
Claire losing faith in the carnival/Samuel...: -100
... and gaining it again in the valley: +400
Every damn thing that Samuel says in the entire episode: +1,200
TOTAL: 2,520
(yes, that DOES make this episode three times greater than Lost's Ab Aeterno. I question myself sometimes too, don't worry) I'm actively putting off the moment that Samuel does something bad. The carnival warms my heart to a ridiculous extent. It feels like home. Gypsy blood yo ^-~
- Break
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